Last night Pete and I finally got the main corn fields planted. We got a late start because we drug the old 4 row corn planter out of the weeds (it was one of the better planters in 1956) and we began its reconstruction which took longer than expected. We had to get all the mechanism to
All and all, things worked out pretty well the last few days. Earlier Pete had moldboard plowed all the fields. In the last few days I ran the digger and drag to smooth and prepare the field and Pete ran the planter. We just finished the last field when it began to sprinkle. We got the equipment covered and put the fertilizer wagon inside. Last night we got .32 inches of rain. Nice gentle rain. Those little corn kernels have to be loving it this morning. The sun is out today and will be beaming down on their little bed. Another week and they will be popping their little heads above ground. Thank you lord for good timing.
The shrubs and trees we planted last week budded out and have gorgeous little leaves along their stems. Although I weed whipped the ground bare where we planted them, they are slowly disappearing into a sea of grass. I guess I get another job, to drop a tube aroUnd the tree and spray roundup on the ground. That way I can let the regular vegetation grow (without mowing) and the new plantings will have a little space to grow.
Yesterday Forest brought down two hives of bees to sit by the middle pond. Lots of Dandelions to feed on and some plum and apple trees in bloom. Bees will love them. Morrells will be appearing soon. The rain will have helped them.
We need to work the animals today. Time to move them around and put some of them out on grass. Soon if you had a baby you get to go to the pasture. What an incentive. Also need to get the sprayer ready. Should be spraying for weeds within 5 days of planting. We may make this. Because we mohlboard plowed, this year instead of hiring my regular spraying guy to apply the multiple mixed weed killers, I am going to apply a preemergence herbicide at 1/2 the recomended rate and see if the corn will canopy and shade out the weeds. Have to get the sprayer going and calibrated. More work more work. More time? Less blogging.
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